World of ZombieSlayer begins simultaneously with the zombie apocalypse...
After the first elite special squad that was mobilized to ensure security in biochemical weapons factory exploded didn’t come back, mankind felt something was amiss globally.
Your squad was ordered to find out of what happened. Of course, it was ambushed on the way to the place of descent. So you find yourself the only survivor of the detachment, but this is the moment of your problems just begin. Here, surrounded by toxic rotting zombies and ghoulish creatures arriving at your smell of living flesh in crowds, you start the game.
In this bloody chemical massacre all you have are restorable bullets, tough gun and your rage. You are the only one who has a chance to stay out of this messy grinder and to warn mankind about the deadly menace.
ZombieSlayer continues good traditions of the best Survival-games such as Crimsonland and Alien Shooter.
Take your gun and kill all freaking monsters and zombies! What are you waiting for?!